Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Legal Recognition Of Same Sex Marriage - 925 Words

In this paper I will discuss marriage and its legal, social, and symbolic benefits. I will discuss the major arguments for the legal recognition of same-sex marriage and will mention the newest policy of same-sex marriage in the State of Oklahoma. I will give a historical analysis of marriage and family policy in the United States and summarize the information I found on I will conclude with my analysis of legal marriage for committed same-sex couples. There are over 1,000 federal benefits for married persons in the United States. Some of which are: â€Å"visitation rights and can make medical decisions, unless otherwise specified in a living will, benefits for federal employees -- many of which are also offered by private employers -- such as sick leave, bereavement leave, days off for the birth of a child, pension and retirement benefits, family health insurance plans, some property and inheritance rights, even in the absence of a will, the ability to create life insurance trusts, tax benefits, such as being able to give tax free gifts to a spouse and to file joint tax returns (Silverman, 1998-2014).† These benefits are made for those who conform to a standard ideal of marriage in the United States. They also hurt those who do not. Maybe this was society’s way of keeping those in the minority group suppressed. In the video â€Å"Tying the Knot† Vinco, a married gay man says, â€Å"In Holland, we have a saying, that the country -the civilization- you can judge onShow MoreRelatedMarriage Is The Voluntary Union Of One Man And One Woman1662 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Marriage is the voluntary union of one man and one woman†, which has been recognised by law and ceremony essentially in every society for centuries. However, throughout history marriages have taken many dissimilar forms. The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 was passed by Parliament which introduced civil marriage for same-sex couples in England and Wales. The legislation authorised religious institutions to be able to marry same-sex couples at their discretion, safeguarding religious institutionsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Essay1370 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are others doing? Canada is not the first country in the world to address whether and how to legally recognize same-sex unions. 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